Category: Home Improvement

Using Outdoor Wicker Furniture for Outdoor Work Areas
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Blog provided by Wicker Paradise A number of business minds and office design experts have touted the benefits of having an outdoor work area. Being outside and in nature has several positive effects on employees, such as improved morale, energy levels, and memory. Being indoors for too long can contribute to anxiety while working outdoors…
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Different use cases for a smart home
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Article written by InterTechOverload, latest articles & news about technology, internet and new media The smart home and internet of things are the only things anyone can talk about these days. The tech press believes that it is going to be the future when in fact you can already have a fully connected home today.…
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Basic cooling requirements for a server room
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When setting up a new data center, cooling is one of the most important elements after power and network capacity. Here are the most important considerations for cooling: Thermal load – Determine the amount of cooling required for the server room. This is based on the thermal load of the equipment. There are labels with…
Read MoreSometimes, Only a Fan Will Do
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Few things will have a bigger effect on our mood than the climate around us. Think about it: when the temperature spikes, you probably don’t feel much like moving. Even your thoughts may slow as you have a hard time focusing on anything other than how incredibly hot it is around you. In the past,…
Read MoreThe Many Uses of Portable AC Units
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When most of us think of AC units, we tend to have some pretty basic pictures in our minds. Perhaps you think of central air, for example, or maybe your mind goes to the units that come out from the wall. In any case, these are definitely systems that are used to provide air conditioning,…
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