How to Write Amazing Banner Ad Copy
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Written by Ted Dhanik
The copy of your banner ad is just as important as the copy involved in search marketing. It’s your chance to sell the user on your ideas, using keywords and phrases that are familiar to your audience. You’ve been told to tell a story, keep it simple, and use sales language with specific phrases. All of these tips are decent, but applying them is the true test of a good marketer. Read on for the specifics on how the pros craft amazing banner copy.
Keep it Relevant
The number one tip to follow is relevance. Just like Google, the most important thing is making sure the user is getting exactly what he searches for. Relevance should drive everything else about your copywriting, including word count and calls to action. You want to be sure that you include good cues for the user, like a keyword or phrase the user expects to hear. For example, a mortgage ad might include references to mortgage rates. The closer you align your copy to what the user is expecting, the better your sales propositions are.
Break relevance and you risk a disconnect, where the user expects something to happen but is disappointed. The fastest way to kill a sale is to try to be surprising in your copywriting. Start with what you know about your target market and let that drive your copywriting.
Word Count
Text is as long as it needs to be, but you need to be conscious of what the text actually looks like in the ad. The ad should be instantly readable, meaning the user can see the banner and pick out the text and calls to action immediately. Using partitions in your image, like alternating colors or other visual cues, you can create a separate space for your text.
Make a Solid Promise
The call to action in your ad is the most important part. A good call to action is a simple statement that pushes the user into something specific: print coupons, get rates. A bad call to action relies on clichés and tired phrasing: buy now, click here. Try to sum up the benefits of your product and make them unbeatable. You can also use the call to action in your headline, not just the button the user clicks.
Remember that your call to action must be relevant to the ad, so if a user is searching for job opportunities, you can use something like “get hired” or “find work.” You might also notice these calls rely on two words to get the job done. Make your phrases short and sweet, and deliver them in an enticing package.
Write with Panache
Injecting a bit of personality into your ads also helps increase the clickability of your ads, but you have to be careful. Users are naturally suspicious of your ads, so good writing can help sell them by relating to them. Use facts and figures to help bolster your ad’s credibility or speak directly to your ideal customer. Targeting relies on these principles: an effective message crafted for a specific type of user.
Bio: Ted Dhanik has worked with some of the biggest brands in online marketing. As a thought leader in the direct marketing space, Ted Dhanik has put his fifteen years of experience to work for businesses. As the co-founder of engage:BDR, Ted Dhanik can help your business increase its pool of leads.