The Google Vs. Apple Approach – Key Differences
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Whenever the subject of smartphones is brought up, there are two names that are almost impossible to ignore: Apple and Google.
And while they take an almost identical approach to the way they manufacture these product, very little is common about the companies outside the field of smartphones.
Take for example, the Maps projects that Google has turned into a moneymaking machine vie search. Now with the Maps product being offered, it seeks to monetize this as well. However, Apple’s product, known as Apple Maps, won’t be financially beneficial to the company as it was developed because Apple did not like Google Maps accessing data through iHardware.
Speaking of products, Google releases several products throughout the year but Apple only releases a few. Now if the product doesn’t appeal to users, it is just discontinued immediately. However, if a product made by Apple isn’t as appealing as it should be, then it’s very rare that you would find it discontinued – the only time this will happen is when it is replaced by a better product.
One more noticeable difference between Google and Apple is that despite the latter facing fewer product failures, Google’s employees are considered to be happier, according to a list made by the Forbes magazine. In fact, Apple did not even make that list.
It’s clear that while both Steve Jobs and Larry Page want their employees to feel as the company is one big family, the truth is that Google’s HR employees are obsessed with keeping their employees happy at all times. Apple’s employees are asked to perfect their product.
Finally, while Google has this practice of asking its employees to work on a particular project that they like, and seemingly loses focus from time to time, Apple doesn’t – yet both approaches have their advantages.
It is also the reason why both these companies will remain at the top of the smartphone market fighting tooth and nail for the top spot for a long time to come.