Understanding the Basics of E-Beam Evaporation
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E-beam technology has advanced significantly throughout the years.
Written by: Denton Vacuum, LLC
If you are new to e-beam technology, this article will help provide you with all the information that you need to understand everything that you need to know about e-beam evaporation, application, and methodologies.
About E-Beams
Ebeam evaporation is a process that is similar to thermal evaporation because of its heating capabilities. In thermal evaporation, the source material is heated above its boiling or sublimation temperature and is evaporated to form a thin film on the surface that is scattered with evaporated atoms. This method is also similar in that its’ pore ability covers steps, making it ideal for lift-off processes. Another noticeable advantage of this is that is can add a large amount of energy into the source material. This will yield a higher density film with an increased adhesion to the substrate. Now, because the electron beam can only heat the source material and not the entire crucible, a lower degree of contamination from the crucible will be present. This is highly advantageous for ebeam users at the substrate will have a higher quality output.
Now, because PVD thermal evaporation and ebeam evaporation are so similar, many people can not differentiate the quality output from either one, resulting in a roll of the dice. But, it’s important that you remember that although they are similar in styles, they are also ideal for different processes. For example, e-beam evaporation works best when working within the circuitry and wafering industry.