Use Sputtering Systems to Create Thin Film Coatings
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Vacuum layer devices provide an impressive approach by setting layers of material on a target substance that measure only a few atoms thick. Sputtering systems produce coatings that are so durable, they can be compared to that of a diamond. Practical applications for this sort of innovation include semiconductors, or anything else that needs shielding from high temperatures or other stressors.
The most popular sputtering methods in existence include: reactive sputtering, magnetron sputtering, and ion beam sputtering. All of these methods require a high quality sputtering system, and a certified operator for best results.
Reactive sputtering techniques rely on the interaction of various gasses inside the vacuum chamber. How the layers form depend on what gases are introduced. This is why an air tight seal is so incredibly important. This removes any highly reactive gasses in our atmosphere, like oxygen, from the process.
Magnetron sputtering works by creating an electromagnetic field around the target. Argon and other gases fill the chamber and are altered to the point that even the electrons can flow freely. When atoms flow freely, this is known as a gaseous state, but when their electrons flow freely, this is called plasma. Plasma energy is so high, it can be found inside stars. These energized ions cool and reconstruct to create an amazingly durable coating.
The last thin film vacuum coating method that exists is called Ion Beam evaporation. This functions without an electromagnetic field and removes electrons from the substance and then exposed to neutral atoms.
Guest post is provided by Denton Vacuum, LLC, offering thin film evaporation systems to a variety of industries. Visit for more details.