Why TV Broadcasts Are Hurting Your Command Center
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Summary: Relaying TV news and broadcasts on a video wall might sound enticing but it has its caveats.
If you’ve ever walked into a command center before, then you know that the first thing you’ll probably notice is the brilliant LCD display wall that’s outfitted with an array of monitors. These dedicated peripherals play a critical role in an organization’s risk management and response efforts while also providing support in the form of security and business continuity.
The Question
When it comes to making an effort to increase an organization’s situational awareness within the command center, video walls often display programs such as weather broadcasts, TV news, and more. With the intent of providing real-time access to mission-critical information, these video walls bring an enhanced value that’s second to none. Furthermore, if the design allows it, this nerve center can provide the team with a wide array of options. For instance, if a command center were to be constructed by a custom manufacturer depending on the industry one is in, the command center can be built around the organization’s priorities.
However, is it really beneficial for a command center to air TV on the video screen? And if so, how does it truly provide value to the team?
Social Media Overpowers TV
When it comes to the latest trend or story, more often than not, you’ll be able to get the scoop on social media. If you are relying on TV news for the latest story, you’re basically one step behind those that utilize a social media platform. It’s crucial that command center operators that are tasked with things like keeping travelers safe in a specific region stay up-to-date in a rapid fashion.
The news is often irrelevant to the work that you do within your command center. Not every channel caters to your specific industry so more often than not, you’ll be bogged down by topics that you could care less about. Even if a story is relevant, certain stations will quickly cover the topic and move on to the next story, leaving the staff spending valuable amounts of time searching for more information on their own.