Facebook is market leader in social logins, Google+ placed a distant second
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Social logins are an easy way to login into any website without having to setup a separate username and password.
Facebook, according to social login service Gigya, is the market leader by virtue of powering almost 51 percent of all North American social logins.
However, even though Google+ is second on this list – it still is far behind Facebook.
Yahoo comes third with 15 percent. However, it continues to lose share across almost every vertical while Facebook currently dominates every platform and vertical.
Finally, Twitter also has 4 percent share and can be considered a minor player in social logins for both desktop and mobile.
That said, media is one area in which Google has made substantial gains by powering 32 percent of logins yet Facebook has made gains by 2 percent since the fourth quarter of 2013.
On mobile, Facebook’s control is even more clear where it has 62 percent of logins while Google+ has 26 percent while Twitter and Yahoo have 6 and 4 percent consecutively.
Overall, Facebook powers 58 percent of logins while Google+ and Yahoo powers 28 and 13 percent in North America.
Outside of North America, the story is no different with the numbers all in favor of Facebook in Europe (59 percent) and South America (80 percent). Google comes in second place in these regions with 19 and 13 percent respectively.
While these numbers might be similar in the Asia-Pacific region, Google is far behind local services such as Sina and QQ instead.