How to secure your smart home
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More and more of the devices, appliances, and electronic items we buy have some level of internet connectivity. It is now critical to secure those devices from unwanted access or attackers. Unfortunately, in the rush to make anything and everything an Internet of Things (IoT) device, most manufacturers failed to secure them adequately. Although there are some protections in place on most devices, they are years behind even current hacking technology.
Why would anyone want to hack a home appliance in the first.? Well, it is all about information. The purpose behind common spam, ransomware, and identity theft is financial gain. If a hacker can access your wireless network and intercept information, then he has access to everything from your usernames and passwords to bank details. When it comes to home appliances, the biggest threat is access to the microphone. Amazon, Apple, Google, and other vendors are adding mics to all their devices so people can use voice commands. The flip-side to those devices is that if someone gains access, they have access to all your conversations.
Here is how to secure your smart home:
Use the latest wireless protocols available. Avoid using WEP and stick to updated devices with WPA2.
Use two wireless networks. If your equipment supports multiple SSID’s, then create one for your computers and another for other devices to keep the traffic separate.
If possible, use a firewall to secure your network from outside access. The average home will not have the knowledge use one so look around for a company that can install and maintain a firewall.