Zynga CEO Buys Newhall Mansion in San Francisco
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Posted by: Luxury Homes
Mark Pincus, the CEO of Zynga, has had quite a year. Last December the company he found, and which he currently helms, went public with much applause and bell-ringing, but since that time, Zynga’s stock has gone down in value by as much as 70 percent. Still, as a prominent captain of the online games industry, Pincus can still afford to shell out $16 million to move into the exclusive Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco. He might have had to sell two San Francisco residences along the way, but Pincus now owns Jane Newhall’s former mansion.

The home had never before been in non-Newhall hands before. Jane Newhall lived in the home with Anita Guerra until her 97th year. She died in July 2011. Pincus will be living there with his wife and children.