• February 15, 2015

DNA Modification and Other Important Scientific Breakthroughs

Written by: The Midland Certified Reagent Company

Summary: DNA modification is useful in many industries outside of pharmaceutical.

When people think of DNA modification, they tend to think of genetics. That’s only one facet of the breakthrough that modification, and the processes behind it, have brought to healthcare and many other industries.

Pharmaceutical testing

Oligonucleotides, the same used in artificial synthesis, allow labs to test how a drug will react to a certain remedy. These segments of DNA can be reproduced quickly and purchased in bulk. The materials to test are affordable, so testing on a wide array of drugs and effects is possible. The same company can have multiple tests running, each studying the effects of a new drug, before moving onto more costly and serious approaches to medical testing. In essence, page purification helps humans stay healthy.


HPLC purification is a leading technique in forensics, when DNA evidence is on the line. It can also prove useful when testing water sources for contaminates, by testing the reactions of potentially harmful chemicals that may have been introduced. Forensic science relies heavily on chemical testing for proof that is nearly irrefutable and basically indisputable.


Genetics testing is the most common use for DNA modification, but not all implications are clear to us yet. Using DNA modification, scientists may be able to one day eliminate genetic disorders or help screen for problems that may develop later in life. In genetic testing, new DNA is injected into an isolated portion of the genome. Genetic engineering has many potential benefits, but is largely an untapped discipline for now. It’s a field that may open wider soon, but the possibilities are still only that for the moment.