Remote Computer Monitoring
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There are a number of reasons why a company or business may decide to conduct remote desktop monitoring sessions on their computer system and terminals. It may be to track user productivity, evaluate terminal server performance or to determine how much bandwidth is being used. Terminal server monitoring determines and then generates a remote desktop report that computer administrators can refer to at any time. These reports help them pinpoint where computer system issues may be occurring and it tells them which steps they should take to address those issues.
By using remote monitoring to track user productivity, employers can refer to the generated reports to determine where company employees are spending their computer time. The reports will notify system administrators of details such as when employees log in to the system, how much bandwidth they are using, which types of operations they performed while logged in to the system and how much time was devoted to each task. One of the main reasons a company experiences a reduction in productivity is because employees are not performing their assigned tasks during working hours. Being aware of what their employees are up to on company time can make employers aware of situations where a termination of employment may be in order.
Submitted by RDP Soft Company – As a marketer of remote desktop monitoring software, RDP Soft Company provides a number of remote monitoring solutions for companies and businesses, which come with a terminal server manager option. RDP Soft Company offers product support as well as a month-long free trial of their services, which can be downloaded on their website.